Freaky Styley von Hohenzollern
04.04.2014 - (Oksamit de Grande Vinko x Armani von Hohenzollern)

"Styley" is a very easy, calm and gentle dog. He is easy to train and listens well. He is absolutely trustworthy and is extra gentle with Ella. He works well, in obedience and manwork. He has wonderful strong bone and a firm topline.
Styley is an absolute pleasure, he is such a special boy.
Show Results
- CAC Augsburg/DE 2014, Judge: Hans Wiblishauser/DE - vv2
- IDC Slowakei 2014, Judge: Gabriela Ridarcikova/SK - vv1, IDC Babysieger
- CAC ... 2014, Judge: Martin Gschwindl/A - vv1, Baby Bayernsieger
- VDH Europasiegerschau Dortmund/DE, Judge: Norbert Daube/DE - SG2
- CACIB Dortmund/DE, Judge: Horst Kliebenstein - SG1, Frühjahrsjugendsieger Dortmund 2015
- World Dog Show 2015, Judge: Hans Wiblishauser/DE - SG3
- CACIB Kreuzlingen/CH, Judge: Luis Pinto Teixeira/P - SG1, CAC, Jugendsieger 2015
- AIAD 2015, Judge: Attilio Polifrone/I - SG3
- IDC Finnland 2015, Judge: Pierluigi Pezzano/I - SG
- CAC Treuenbrietzen/DE, Judge: Anna Tits/RUS - SG1, Jugendsieger 2015
- Bayernsiegerschau 2015/DE, Judge: Hans Wiblishauser/DE - V2
- CACIB Offenburg 2016/DE, Judge: Günther Ehrenreich/A - V2
- CAC Aarau/CH 2016, Judge: Otto Schimpf/A - V1, CAC
- CACIB Aarau/CH 2016, Judge: Dick Baars/NL - V1, CAC, res-CACIB
- CAC Dortmund/DE 2016, Judge: Erika Szokol/HU - V1, CAC, BOS
- CACIB Karlsruhe/DE 2016, Judge: Merete Dalgaard/DK - V1, CAC, res-CACIB
- IDC Slovakia 2018, Judge: Anna Tits/RUS - V
Oksamit de Grande Vinko HD-1, ZTP V1A, IPO 3, Körung Ia |
Leo vom Märkischen Land HD-1, AD, ZTP V1B, VPG 3 |
Nitro del Rio Bianco HD-2, AD, ZTP V1A, SchH 1 |
Nilo del Rio Bianco |
Farah del Rio Bianco | |||
Isa vom Märkischen Land HD-1, ZTP V1B VPG 3, IPO 3, FH 1 |
Jivago van het Wantij | ||
Dolly vom Märkischen Land | |||
Gekata de Vinko Doliny Dalmenov HD-1, ZTP V1A, IPO 1 |
Pluto de Grande Vinko HD-1, ZTP V1B, IPO 1 |
Baron Nike Renewal | |
Grafinya Shanel-San de Grande Vinko | |||
Aida de Grande Vinko | Tigr iz Slavnoi Stai | ||
Ak- Yar Andromeda | |||
Armani von Hohenzollern HD-1, vWd-frei, AD, ZTP V1A, VPG 3, FH 2 |
Latino Lorenco von Cobra HD-1, ZTP V1B, VPG 2 |
Rui Manuel del Rio Bianco HD-1, ZTP V1A, SchH 1 |
Nilo del Rio Bianco |
Zeni del Rio Bianco | |||
Merlin von Cobra HD-1 |
Rensdorff Bonaparte | ||
Esmir from the House of Crazy Baker | |||
Pebbles The Best Line HD-1, AD, ZTP V1B, IPO 3, FH 1 |
Bahrein Brando von Ashanti HD-1, ZTP V1B |
Alfa Adelante del Citone | |
Quirina von Brandenburg | |||
Gina vom Märkischen Land HD-1, ZTP, VPG 1 |
Mauvieres Mufasa de Stang Zu | ||
Dolly vom Märkischen Land |